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Patanjali Maharshi

योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचां मलं शरीरस्य च वैदिकेन ।  योपाकरोत्तं प्रवरं मुनीनां पतञ्जलिं प्राञ्जलिरानतोस्मि॥ I bow with my hands together to the eminent sage Patanjali, who removed the impurities of the mind through yoga, of speech through grammar, and of the body through medicine. A combination  of ‘pata’ meaning falling and ‘anjali’ meaning ‘joining palms of the hand with respect’ is ‘Patanjali’. Maharishi Patanjali was named by his mother Gonika, as he fell onto her open palm, while she was performing tarpan kriya to Lord Surya, praying for a child.  – He is believed to have lived some time during the 2nd century BCE. – Maharishi Patanjali is said to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu’s Adi Shesha (the symbol of awareness), the holy serpent on whom He reclines in Yoga Nidra. –  He was also known to be an incredible dancer, a gifted musician and singer. He played the veena and is credited for forming numerous ragas. 

– Maharishi Patanjali is credited for codifying the Yoga Sutras, a collection of 196 aphorisms in Sanskrit. The Yoga Sutra describes the theories and practices of Yoga as a means of physical and mental training to help discipline the mind and body. – The centre of his teachings lies in the eight fold way of Yoga. The path demonstrates the best approach to carry on with a superior life through Yoga. –  Apart from the Yoga Sutras, Maharshi Patanjali is also believed to have penned the Mahabhasya, a text on Sanskrit grammar and language, based on the ‘father of linguistics’, Panini’s Astadhyayi. 

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