Temple of Inner Wisdom Samskrta Resource site


Darshan Shastras are six schools of Vedic Philosophy in the forms of Sutras.Each system differs from the other  in terms of its concepts, phenomena, laws and beliefs and has its Sutrakara, i.e., the one great Rishi who systematized the doctrines of the school.  Each can be briefly outlined as : ~ Nyaya by Sage Gautam Logical Quest of Supreme, Phases of Creation, Science of Logical Reasoning ~  Vaishesika by Sage Kanad Science of Logic, Futility of Maya, Vedic Atomic Theory

~ Sankhya by Sage Kapil Philosophy of Purusa and Prakrti ~  Yoga by Sage Patanjali Eight Fold path of  Self Discipline for Self Realization ~  Mimamsa by Sage Jaimini Elevation through the Performance of Worldly Duties ~ Vedanta by Sage VedVyas Brahma Sutra explaining the divine nature of Soul, Maya and Creation.

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