Temple of Inner Wisdom Samskrta Resource site




The word kavya meaning ‘poetry’ refers to any work that evokes Rasa (aesthetic experience). In general, it relates to works of literature – poetry, epic poems, didactic verse, historic poetry, prose, songs, and plays. When speaking of Kavya,  the epic poems and plays of Kalidasa are unmatched. Others famous in various categories are : Epic poem tradition  -  Kumaradasa, Bharavi, Bhatti, Kshemendra, Magha, Vagbhata, and Sriharsha.

Historical poem tradition -  Ashvaghosha, Mahendravarma, Bodhayana, Kalhana, Hemachandra and Gangadevi. Lyrical poem tradition -  Halashatavahana, Bhartrhari, Jayadeva, and Amaruka.  Didactic poem tradition - Damodaragupta, Bhallata, and Nilakanta Dikshita. Prose - Bana, Somadeva, Dandi, Rajashekhara, and Merutunga.  Playwrights - Bhasa, Shudraka, Dinnaga, Vishakadatta, and Bhavabhuti  There are many many more such Jewel in the ancient Kavya literature

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