Temple of Inner Wisdom Samskrta Resource site

The Sanskrit Language

Being one of the most ancient language in the world, for more than three millennia, Sanskrit was the language of science, knowledge, spirituality and culture. Sanskrit is the common language of the Hindu Scriptures and it is the language of the Vedas, Upanishads, BhagavadGita, Mahabharata, Ramayana and the Puranas. Latin and Greek, and most of the modern European languages have been derived from it. Sanskrit use can be traced as far back as before the first millennia B.C.; the only preserved language to which Sanskrit was originally related is Vedic. The oldest example of the literature of the Vedic period is the Rig-Veda.  Sanskrit is widely known as the source or root of sciences, including Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, Agriculture, Environmental Science, Architectural Science, Geometry, Astrology, Metallurgy, Medicine, Meteorology etc. The mystery of all modern sciences was exhaustively known to our ancient seers, poets, writers, and commentators. Hence it is now almost essential for all to read, understand and properly analyze their writings for the all round development of the whole mankind.

Sanskrit is a scientific and systematic language. Its grammar is perfect which has been explained to us by the world's greatest grammarian Panini. He was able to join the original devanagari language into an exact framework of rules, thus preserving it for posterity. Since his time, this language is called Sanskrit, “joined together, refined”. The word Sanskrit literally means "Language brought to formal perfection". This is quite an appropriate name since NASA declared it to be "the only unambiguous language on the planet". Recently well-known linguists and computer-scientists have expressed the opinion that Sanskrit is the best language for use with computers. Learn More


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